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Vehicle Related Methods


Sets the vehicle's coordinates and heading.

  • coords: table or vector3 or vector4


Gets the vehicle's coordinates and heading

  • vector?: boolean (if true, it returns the vehicle coords as vector4, else it returns the coords as table)
  • @return vector4 or table


Sets the vehicle's non-persistant data for key to the given value which will be removes on vehicle deletion. Similar to statebag data.

xVehicle.set(key, value)
  • key: string
  • value: any


Gets a value from the vehicles's non-persistant data, or omit the argument to get all data.

  • key?: string (if omitted, it returns all data)
  • @return any


Sets the vehicle's persistant data for key to the given value which will be saved on vehicle deletion. Unlike statebag data.

xVehicle.setMetadata(key, value, subValue)
  • key: string
  • value?: string or number or table
  • subValue?: any
  • @return boolean (indicating whether the action was successful or not)


Gets a value from the vehicles's persistant data, or omit the argument to get all data.

xVehicle.getMetadata(key, subKey)
  • key?: string (if omitted, it returns all data)
  • subKey?: any
  • @return any


Removes/despawns the vehicle from the game world, optionally removes its entry from database.

  • removeFromDb?: boolean (delete the entry from database as well or no - defaults to false if omitted)


Updates the vehicle's stored property and optionally despawns it.

xVehicle.setStored(value, despawn)
  • value?: boolean
  • despawn?: boolean (remove the vehicle entity from the game world as well or no - defaults to false if omitted)


Updates the vehicle's owner, matching a xPlayer's identifier or nil to set it as unowned.

  • newOwner?: string


Updates the vehicle's group, which can be used for garage restrictions, unowned group vehicles, etc.

  • newGroup?: string


Sets the vehicle's plate, used in the database to ensure uniqueness. Does not necessarily match the vehicle's plate property (i.e. fake plates).
Plate is always formatted to 8 characters.

  • newPlate: string


Sets the value of the specified field for the xVehicle object. If a field with the same name already exist, its value will be overrided.

xVehicle.setField(fieldName, value)
  • fieldName: string
  • value: number or string or boolean or table
  • return boolean (whether the field registration was successful or not)


Adds a new method/function to the current xVehicle object. If a method with the same name already exist, it will be overrided.

xVehicle.setMethod(fnName, fn)
  • fnName: string
  • fn: function
  • return boolean (whether the method registration was successful or not)

Example using xVehicle.setMethod function

local xVehicle = ESX.GetVehicle(65535)

-- registering a new method called "customCheck"
xVehicle.setMethod("customCheck", function(self)
return function(firstParameter)
print(("This is xVehicle(%s)'s 'customCheck' method being triggered"):format(self.entity))
print(("The parameter passed in the 'customCheck' method is '%s'"):format(firstParameter))

-- reloading the xVehicle object after new method is registered
xVehicle = ESX.GetVehicle(xVehicle.entity)

-- calling the new registered method
xVehicle.customCheck("hello from customCheck")

p.s. In this way of registering a new method, only xVehicle object of vehicle(65535) will have the customCheck method registered for it!

could be useful in scenarios when you don't want to populate all vehicle objects with the new method.